Buses Bullies & Red Letter Days
Basically, a hodge-podge collection of off-model characters and random page set-ups. There are a few good drawings mixed with a load of wretched ones.
Snakes Snails & Puppy Dog Tails
In this second collection, I set out to draw every single strip within a matter of weeks. You can tell because the drawings aren't so complicated. However, I think the consistent character models make up for the lack of detail in the drawings.
Sticks Stones & Ice Cream Cones
After producing a fast yet detail-lacking second collection, I decided to spend a little more time working on my detailing. I'll admit that the gags sometimes suffer in order to push a certain story, but I did produce consistant character modeling as well as a consistant format.
Girls Really Really Really Suck
After drawing the third collection of Thumbs, I fell for a really neat girl who pretty much inspired the story-line for Girls Really Really Really Suck. Our relationship was pretty much the same as in the comic strip. I liked her, she had a boyfriend so we were just friends and she didn't realize that I was actually the guy for her...Although after I finished drawing the collection, she did realize I was the guy for her, and now we're married.
Boys Really Really Really Suck
The basis for this half of the collection was: the only part of growing up I hated was when I did stuff that was all part of "being a boy". Mostly it was the playing of sports that I hated, not that playing sports is only for boys, but I always felt as if it was something I SHOULD be doing...because I was a boy.
After creating four collections of comic strips, I decided to see if I could get syndicated. After researching through the process, I learned that there was only a few chances in hell that I could. But I did anyway: I picked the best 12 strips that didn't have any adult content and that fit a standard format, and redrew them with more detail and better linework, making sure the characters were all on-model. The proof is in the punch I guess, so read the letters I recieved back from the syndicates.
New Collection: Updated Periodically
After being rejected by all the syndicates, I applied to architecture school, thinking that my calling lay in designing buidings, not drawing silly little comics. I took my silly cap and put it in the closet for three years while I studied Design, Semiotics, Architectural Theory, and a whole bunch of other high-brow crap. Well guess what baby, I'm back. Check this link to see how often I actually keep drawing.
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